The Butterfly's Life
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Archives par mois
- Juillet 2008: 3 articles
- Mai 2008: 1 article
- Avril 2008: 1 article
- Mars 2008: 3 articles
- Février 2008: 1 article
- Janvier 2008: 1 article
- Novembre 2007: 1 article
- Octobre 2007: 2 articles
- Juillet 2007: 1 article
- Juin 2007: 5 articles
- Avril 2007: 1 article
- Mars 2007: 4 articles
petit jeux
Ailleurs sur
- zakath-nath :Cujo
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- castor :La bague débile du jour
- bangg :crève charogne
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mon humeur du jour
Bienvenue chez moi :)Blocked images on incoming e-mails present problems for marketers
- Design e-mails to have key messages displayed as text above the fold, or in the
top half of the message as seen by the recipient. Also consider placing key
messaging in text form near the upper left hand corner where readers are
most likely to look first. - Use HTML to code colors into your e-mail to make it more attractive to
recipients not displaying images. An HTML color field hidden behind an
image will be displayed, allowing the response link to stand out, if a
graphical response button is blocked. - Use the "Alt Text" attribute to display a message that otherwise would
not be visible if using generic alt-text descriptions such as "image 1." - Include a link at the top of the e-mail message that leads to a web-based
version of the marketing message. This opens the message in a browser
so that all graphics are intact, and adds convenience for recipients by not
requiring changes to their e-mail preferences. - Incorporate optimization techniques in e-mail service provider templates to
address image suppression.
source: Internet Retailer
Ecrit par faracha, le Dimanche 6 Juillet 2008, 13:47 dans la rubrique Marketing online ecommerce mobile marketing.
Version XML - Cette page est peut-être encore valide XHTML1.1 et CSS sans tableaux.